EBEX Holdings aims to acquire multifamily value-add properties in strong growth markets. We typically focus on assets generating a current yield that also have identifiable upside. Given our experience, well capitalized balance sheet, and integrated asset management processes, we have the ability to acquire properties with an array of structural, functional, or financial issues.

EBEX has strong lender relationships and a significant track record proving our ability to consummate transactions using various capital sources and partners. At the core of EBEX’s investment philosophy is the belief that we must create an efficient process for both Sellers and Brokers. EBEX maintains a great working relationship with the brokerage community and always ensures they are protected.


Telephone: 347-619-2595

Email: [email protected]

    Los Angeles Office 269 South Beverly Drive Suite 1352
    Beverly Hills, CA 90212

    New York Office 157 Columbus Avenue, Suite 517
    New York, NY 10023